Welcome to my world!

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A night when I met you

It was on the eleventh
a summer night in June
a night with fireworks
a night when I met you

You got close to me
and asked what my name was
then I saw your beautiful eyes
and I thought, what a gorgeous guy!

Looking at your big dark eyes
and admiring your strong arms
you asked me what my number was
and I smiled with hope in my heart. 

Dancing our night away
admiring your beautiful face
I didn't that night to never
never have an end.

You took me to my step door
and hugged me with your perfect arms 
said bye with that beautiful smile
and I sighed for you all night.

Perfection is what you mean to me
you are everything I want for me
and I would do anything
to have you right next to me.

Life continues
life goes on
but what never changes 
it's the love I have for you. 

Author: Karla Selene Torres Chavez

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

My journey to BYU

How it became my dream

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl who lived in North Hollywood, California. That girl is ME :) I was just 14 years old when I arrived to the United States of America. I didn’t know English and I didn’t know exactly what I wanted in life, but I knew that I wanted good things, really good things in life. When I turned 15 years old, I gained a strong and powerful testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I knew with my whole heart and soul that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is really the true church of Jesus Christ and I just couldn’t deny it because it was something so strong and so powerful and this changed my life forever. At this point of my life, I knew that I had three main dreams that I wanted to accomplish.

1.      Serve a full-time mission.

2.      GO TO BYU and graduate from a career.

3.      Get married in the temple with a worthy priesthood holder; the guy of my dreams!!! :)

Time passed and finally I was able to serve a mission. One of the best experiences I’ve ever had in my whole life. I loved every minute of it and this made me a better person. 

Life after the mission

I finished my mission and I had no idea how in the world I was going to get into BYU now! I took some classes in a community college before my mission but this wasn’t enough to be able to transfer to BYU. I decided to take the so difficult famous test…The ACT. Ugh! It was the worst! I wasn’t in school for a long time and either way that test was so hard for me. I got a score that I won’t publish here to protect my dignity ha-ha but let’s just say that it was bad. I was very discouraged! I honestly thought that I wasn’t smart enough and that I was never going to be able to go to BYU. I cried and I knelt down in prayer and I asked Heavenly Father to please help me accomplish my dream because I really wanted it so bad. At this time of my life I was in California just working and saving money to be able to move to Provo, Utah. I moved here on my own after 5 months of finishing my mission. I was able to find an amazing job and be around people who just loved me and inspired me every day to be a better person. 

Pathway Program

I was able to be introduced to a program that honestly gave me hope for life. It was the Pathway Program through BYU-Idaho. At the beginning I just did it just so I could do something productive with my life while I figured out what to do with school exactly. First semester in this program was a bit hard because I wanted so bad to be able to go school but I just couldn’t go for many reasons. One of them was that I wasn’t a Utah resident and school was way too expensive for me. I decided to stay in the Pathway Program and at the beginning I took it for granted. It seemed too easy and I felt like I was wasting my time, but something in my heart told me to stay. I finished my Pathway Program and it wasn’t as easy as I thought at the beginning and thanks to this, I was able to become an online student at BYU-Idaho. I want to take some time to say how thankful I am for the Pathway Program. If it wasn’t for this program, there is no way that I would have been able to succeed in school. This is why is called Pathway. God really did provide this path in my life so I could start working towards my educational goals. I love the Pathway Program and I will forever be grateful for it.

Online Classes

When I started the Online Classes, I thought it was going to be like when I was in the Pathway Program. The Pathway Program was hard work especially at the end but nothing compared to having a real college class, especially when it’s online. I started with three classes and felt pretty confident about it but really, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. The classes were doable but they were hard, well at least for me. In my English class I had to write three main essays for the whole class. The first essay was about 10 pages long, I had to pick the subject and have 6 legit resources, plus doing like 3 or 4 little assignments every day for that same class. You might say: Well, that’s easy! It wasn’t for me. I know English, but my English wasn’t that good for an essay like that. I didn’t know what to write about and I just felt like I didn’t have the vocabulary to write a paper of this kind. On top of that, I had so much to do at work. Sadly, I had to drop one of my classes and I felt terrible because either way I felt like I was going slow with three classes but now that I had to drop one, I felt that I was going slower. I felt really frustrated and down on myself. If you know me, you know that I worry about everything so this situation made me pretty anxious and a little depressed. In addition to this, I was going through a really hard time in my personal life and I just felt like I couldn’t do it anymore! I seriously considered dropping school because I couldn’t even sleep. I remember when I had to turn in the rough draft for my essay, I didn’t have anything and I felt alone. That day I went to sleep at two in the morning and I turned in my rough draft with only two pages long but it was honestly a disaster. I woke up at 6 am and I was about to turn on my computer and drop this class but I knew that doing that was going to make me feel like a loser so I said a prayer and I told Heavenly Father how I was feeling exactly and I just heard a little voice inside of me that told me: Don’t do anything right now, just wait and go to work! And that’s what I did. When I got to work, I told my coworker just everything that was going on and I was about to start crying when she told me: Karla! You should have told me this before. I love English and I especially love writing papers. Don’t worry, I will help you! When she said those words, I knew that Heavenly Father was watching over me and that He really cared. I don’t want to make this story longer but this experience helped me a lot. I had to work really hard on that essay and I had to say bye-bye to my social life for a while but when I finished that essay, I felt like a champion. I even said, I don’t care what grade I get, I will still feel good because I didn’t give up J but thankfully, I got an A in that class and it was one of the best feelings ever.

Time passed and I continued doing my online classes, struggling here and there but just surviving and trying to get good grades. One day, I started feeling a little bit sad. I felt stuck and that I was progressing really slowly. I was sick of the online classes! And I feel bad for saying this but it was true, they were great but I wanted to go to school, be around people and learn in a classroom with a teacher not by myself anymore. I talked to one of my friends and she said: Karla! Why don’t you go to BYU-Idaho? Go there for a semester, get your classes done and then apply for BYU- Provo. It sounded really good to me and I just felt like I needed a change and I was like, you know what? I will apply and see what happens. 

Application process

I started my application to go to BYU-Idaho on campus. That was kind of like a given since I already was a BYU-Idaho student but I was in the Online Program. While I was filling out my application I had this thought: Why don’t you apply for BYU-Provo as well? What’s the worst thing that can happen? If they say no! Just go to BYU-Idaho for a semester and then apply again. So I decided to apply for BYU-Provo also. I did the best I could on my application, I made sure that everything looked good and finally I was done with my application. The deadline was October 1st and I finished my application at the beginning of September. When I applied, I just said: Okay, Heavenly Father, I’ve done everything I know, I leave this in your hands! And I just moved on.

A week or two after I finished my application, I met a guy who later became a friend that I will thank and appreciate forever. His name is Roger and he told me that he worked in the Admissions Office at BYU. I said: No way! I want to go to BYU so bad! He told me that he could take me on a tour and help me schedule an appointment with one of the representatives from BYU so they could check my application. I was in awe when he told me that. I obviously accepted to do everything he suggested. He took me on a tour and this tour just confirmed to me that I wanted to go to BYU because it really is such a great school. I was also able to meet with the representative he told me about. This representative was super nice and super helpful. He looked at my application and suggested some things to add to it. I did it right away and I was also able to explain to him why I wanted to go to BYU and just everything I have done to be able to go. He just looked at me and said: Karla! I can’t promise you that you will get into BYU but I can tell you that this information is going to help a lot J I was obviously so happy to hear that. As I finished my meeting with him, I went home and said another prayer. I told Heavenly Father: Okay, my Dear God, thanks for putting these people in my life and now I have really just done everything I know, everything I could, it’s in your hands! 

That awesome e-mail

            I had to wait a while to be able to hear back from BYU to find out if I got in or not. I remember even calling them and they just told me to be patient. October 14th, 2016 my friend Chelsea invited me to BYU Football game. While I was at the game my phone vibrated, I looked at it and it was an e-mail from BYU and it just said: A decision has been made! I started freaking out! I opened the e-mail but it took a while to load since the signal wasn’t very good at the stadium. While it was loading, I just kind of prepared myself for anything. I told myself: I will be okay if I don’t get in. If I don’t get in, I can always try again. But deep inside my heart, I knew I was going to be really sad if I didn’t get in so I was just trying to prepare myself in case I didn’t get the answer that I wanted. Finally, the email loaded and I opened it and I couldn’t believe what I was reading.

There’s really no need to explain how happy I felt when I saw this. My dream came true and I just couldn’t believe it and I was the happiest! This was just almost as good as the feeling you get when you find out that you are your crush’s crush :) ha-ha that’s how happy I felt! 

But now what?

Well, after I found out that I was finally a BYU student. I started working really hard to save money. I had some money saved but although BYU is not as expensive in comparison to other schools, it is still pretty pricey! I started feeling a little worried because I thought I wasn’t going to have time to save the money that I needed to be able to go to BYU but the Lord always provides a way when He knows you really are trying and now I’m thankfully all prepared to go to BYU. I am very excited but I’m also very nervous. BYU is a really great school and it is also very hard and as excited as I am right now, I will probably feel a little or a lot frustrated when I’m taking classes there. But I know whenever I feel that way, I will look back at the moment I found out that I got in and just everything Heavenly Father did for me so I could accomplish my goal and I will appreciate that I’m in BYU and if the Lord helped me get in, He will also help me graduate as long as I do my part.

Whenever I feel sad or discouraged, I always remember that moment at the BYU stadium when I opened that email and found out that I was a BYU Student. This helps me remember that God knows me, loves me and is aware of me. And I also remember that dreams come true, you just need to believe, do your part and trust in Heavenly Father with your whole heart.

I think back of my life when I was 14 years old. This teenage girl who just arrived from Mexico, who didn’t even know how to speak English, who wanted good things but didn’t really know exactly what she wanted. When I was a little girl, I never thought I was going to be able to come to the United States, that I was going to learn English and that I was going to be introduced to the best thing that has ever happen to me; the gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m not perfect and there is so much I have to improve in my life, but how grateful I am that I have the gospel in my life and that this gospel guided me and continues guiding to make good decisions in life and help me become a better daughter of God. 

Why did I write this?

If you are wondering why I decided to write this, I will tell you why. The first reason is because I love to write. It is one of my favorite things to do in the world. I actually write poems myself J Second reason, is because this is something important to me and a big accomplishment in my life and especially because of the way my life is. I had many obstacles and I won’t go into details here but I will list some of these obstacles.

1.      Time

2.      Money

3.      Immigration Status

4.      Language barrier

5.      Not enough academic education

And many more things, and I’m not trying to play the victim here, we all have a hard life. I mean life isn’t easy for anyone. We all have our struggles and difficulties but this was my struggle but I had a dream and this motivated me to never give up!

            This post is really to tell everyone to never give up on your dreams! If you want something with all of your heart, go for it! If it’s something righteous and good and will make you a better person, God will help you. God loves us, He really does and I don’t think we will ever be able to comprehend His love for us but just know that YOU are loved so much by the most amazing being in the universe. Choose the right and He will guide your life!

            I love you all. If you took the time to read all of this, I know it’s a lot…Thank you! I just wanted to share a small part of my life with you all and hopefully it can help anyone who has a dream big or small, it doesn’t matter. My message to you all today is: DREAMS COME TRUE!! :)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Para mi gran amor...

Te tuve tan cerca
tus brazos pude sentir
al cielo le pedí
que te querdarás junto a mi.

De un sueño me ilusione
De algo que no pudo ser
Y en mi loca fantasía
aún pienso en tu ser.

Desde esta noche de luna llena
pienso en donde estarás tú
Sé que no te imaginas
que en mi pensamiento solo existes tú.

Quizás esté malgastando mis versos
pues nunca te los podré leer
nunca podré decirte
lo que un día me hicister sentir.

Ha pasado mucho tiempo
Y no cuánto más pasara
hasta que logre arrancarte
y no recordarte más.

Te extraño como a nadie
Te quiero con toda el alma
Y lo único que puedo abrazar
es el recuerdo que no me deja olvidar.

Mi querido ojitos negros
por favor vuelve junto a mi
Nadie te amará de la forma
en la que yo te amo a tí.

Devuélveme tus brazos fuertes
tus ojos grandes color noche
devuélveme la ilusión que se murió
esta triste noche que todo termino.

Te quiero y te extraño
y no se cuando te olvidaré
En mi pensamiento siempre vive
todo lo que un día contigo soñe. 

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chavez

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Y yo te quise!

Y yo te quise
como te quise
te quise más que a todo
te quise más que a la vida mia.

Estás tan cerca de mi
pero tan lejos de mi corazón
y yo te extraño mas que a todo
porque sin límites es mi amor por tí. 

Este amor por ti
que no es correspondido
y que anhela ciegamente
que un día me puedas querer.

El corazón es tonto
el corazón es necio
y simplemente no entiende
que tú no eres para mí. 

Pero te extraño, amor mio
Como te extraño! 
porque te quise mas que a mi vida
y me dolio haberte perdido.

Adios mi gran amor
adiós a todo lo que fue
adiós a tus ojos negros
y a esos labios sabor a miel.

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chavez 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Esta noche

Una noche más en la que escribo
estos versos de amor por tí
una noche más en la que lloro
lo que entre tú y yo no pudo ser.

Te miro a lo lejos con un suspiro
te pienso y te pienso con toda el alma
y tú mi amor ni te acuerdas
lo que tú y yo vivimos. 

Te quise como no quise a nadie
confié en lo que no pudo ser
ame tus bellos ojos color noche
ame todo tu ser. 

Te miro sin que me mires
te pienso con un suspiro
te extraño con toda el alma
y tú mi amor, cuando me amarás?

Adiós debo decirte
para nunca extrañarte más
la noche es larga y yo te quiero
como no quise a nadie más.

Recuerdo tus ojos negros
tú hermosura varonil
te extraño en esta noche larga
y tú ni siquiera te acuerdas de mí.

Adiós le digo a tu aroma
a toda tu hermosa piel
a todo lo que soñe
a todo lo que no pudo ser. 

Te quise y te quiero
y te querré un poco más
y esperare hasta que un día
ya no te pueda recordar.

¿Qué es el amor? me pregunto
y no logro encontrar una respuesta
solo sé que el amor es lo que siento
cada vez que piento en tí.

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chávez   

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Te quise de verdad

Te quiero aunque no debería quererte
Te extraño aun cuando a veces te veo
Te pienso a cada minuto
Y te sueño todas las noches.

Mis palabras dicen que te he olvidado
Mi mente me dice que es lo correcto
Mi realidad me hiere el alma
Porque mi corazón aun te quiere como ayer.

Mi corazón quiere alcanzarte
Quiere poder llegar a ti
Pero el corazón no sabe
Que imposible es mi amor por ti.

Adiós me dijiste para siempre
Esa noche triste en Julio
Y yo con el corazón destrozado
Me di la vuelta con la frente en alto.

Solo Dios que escucha
Cada noche mi sentir
Sabe que de mi parte he puesto
Para sacarte completamente de mí.

Estos versos no son para recordar
Que tu amor no es para mí
Simplemente es para expresarte
Todo lo que aun significas para mí. 

Te quise con el alma
Y te quise de verdad
Y cada día pienso
En que algún día te he de olvidar.

Gracias por los ayeres que me diste
Por los momentos de felicidad
Y aunque nunca leas mis versos
un día recordarás que yo te quise de verdad. 

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chávez