Welcome to my world!

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Good bye 2010!

As I said in some of the blogs I posted before, I can't believe that 2010 is almost over. Time flies people, it really does! I guess that's why I always hear that we should enjoy every minute of our lives, I don't do a really good job on that, but I keep on trying. Anyways, I don't wanna talk about sad things, otherwise; this post is to mention all the good things that happened to me this year. I am very thankful with my Heavenly Father and ofcourse with Jesus Christ as well :) God has blessed me so much and in many ways! Like I said, sometimes I just don't value all the good things that I have around me, but when I think about it, I realize that I have so much in my life and I feel so greatful because of that. Great things happened in 2010 and is not over yet, we have 5 days left. Wow! I am excited for a new year :) Ok well, I am gonna start with the wonderful things that happened on 2010.

  1. I realized that I am capable to forgive others. Really, I always told myself that I could forgive everyone, until something huge happened and I felt that forgiving this person was so hard, but with time I forgave this person with a sincere heart, and how thankful I am for that because If we forgive others, Heavenly Father will forgive us as well :)
  2. My mother stopped smoking. Yep, after many years of trying and trying, she finally made it and I wanna thank officially to Elder Potter and Napa. God used them as instruments to help my mother and inspire her to be stronger than a cigarrett.
  3. I had 3 different jobs this year haha. I was first a seller in a car dealer (I didn't like it at all, sellings aren't for me but I learned some things about cars ;) ) Second one, I was a driver for an Auto Parts shop and it was fun, I learned more about cars haha, and the one that I have right now, I take care of old people, nothing to do with cars but I need to practice A LOT my pacience which I think it's great.
  4. I finally confessed my love to someone for the first time in my life and I felt good, even when this person didn't feel the same for me but it's all right. I still think he is amazing and like we always say: "Everything happens for a reason". :)
  5. I received my calling to be a Seminary Teacher, I don't know how long I am gonna stay there, but I am so thankful for all the things I learned and I learn as a teacher :)
  6. I had my first date in my life as well with a good guy and cute at the same time ;) haha nothing huge happened, we are only friends but I discovered how great is to be on a date with someone that is super nice and fun.
  7. I started recognizing that I have many blessing in my life and realized how much I need to start being thankful because I have them instead of complaining for the things that I dont' have.
  8. I got to hear some great music haha like She & Him (This group is great) :)

And well, there's some others too ;) Belle and Sebastian is one of my favorites too. I think music is great, I feel like I will always be faithful to Music because it is so great, it helps me in many ways in life, when I'm sad, when I'm in love, when I'm mad and well so many ways, plus Music belongs to Heaven, I mean good music ;)

So, as I was saying about 2010. It was a great year and I am thankful that God has let me live in it and have experiences in my life that has made me learn things that I need to know in life.

Karla Chavez!

Hasta la vista, baby! ;)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The most beautiful voice! :)

Hello everyone! Well this is a video from the concert, I didn't recorded obviously since I wasn't there (bummer) but a friend sent it to me and I was amazed, David Archuleta has a very very beautiful voice, I don't care if people think that I'm crazy, this guy David Archuleta is amazing!!! :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas is coming soon! :)

I can't believe that this year 2010 is almost over. Christmas is almost here and I'm excited about it! I love Christmas :) It made me sad before, but now that I know what this really means, I just love it! Everything is so nice about Christmas.

  1. You get to remember that our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ came once to this earth to be our example and to guide us to the light.
  2. You also remember that He'll come again. That makes me think a lot of the things I'm doing to be prepared when He comes :) (I know I need to work harder).
  3. Everything is so beautiful in Christmas, even the weather haha jk well it is cold but it's ok, we should enjoy it as well, especially for the ones who get to see the beautiful snow :) I love the snow, that's why I can't wait to go to Utah or some place with snow.
  4. You get to be with your family :) How nice is that? Really, it is a great blessing. I know I don't have the greatest family, but I love them with all of my heart and I know that life wouldn't be as wonderful as it is without them.
  5. You get to decorate your house, my favorite part!!! Well this year I didn't help my mom haha I was busy, but I love the fact that we have a Christmas tree and red decorations ;) I love Christmas Trees :)

Another thing that I love about Christmas is the beautiful temples :) Oh my goodness! They look adorable, I got to see once the Salt Lake City Temple with lights and I felt so great, I was so thankful for being there and get to see it in person. This is not a picture I took but this is how the temple looks in Christmas, actually it looks way better in person :)

Isn't this so beautiful? I think it is. I am so blessed that I have the gospel in my life, I am so blessed that I can actually enjoy this :)

And ofcourse, the most important part, Christmas isn't Christmas without Jesus Christ! He is our Savior and Redeemer. Right now I feel like the hymn says: "I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me, confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me. I tremble to know that for me he was crucified. That for me, a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died".
Really, that's how I feel because I can't comprehend how amazing He really is. He loves us that He came to die for our sins so we could have the opportunity to come back to our Heavenly Father :) That is so pure and beautiful! It makes me think again of the things I'm doing. I want to be better, I know I can be better, I just dont' try enough sometimes, but it is worth it to work hard because of Him, because We know that Heavenly Father will bless us and someday we are gonna be able to be with our families for eternity :)
I love Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father, I am NOTHING without Them and I need them in my life all the time. I am thankful we have Jesus Christ, I am thankful of His example so we can follow it.

Isn't Christmas so beautiful? :)

David Archuleta/Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert!!!

So yeah, you might be wondering why am I posting this? Well yesterday Thursday December 16th David Archuleta performed with the Mormon Tabernacle choir, today friday 17th and saturday 18th and sunday 19th, David Archuleta will be performing too, and I am so sad that I am not there. I got this video I think from yesterday and for the little a watched, I think it was so great and it makes me want to go to Utah right now and go to one fo the sessions :) Anyways, I am excited for the ones who are gonna be able to go, please enjoy for me and tell me how was it?

I am a big fan of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, really! They are so great and everytime I listen to them, I feel the Spirit, and I am also a big fan of David Archuleta, he is such a good singer, I love his songs too, he seems a very nice guy and he is cute too :) How amazing is that? haha :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I catch myself thinking of you

Thinking how you make me feel

how you put a smile on my face

How this feeling is real

I wonder if you notice me

If you know that i'm there

If you ever think about me

If you know that i care

I wish i could have the strength

To walk up to you and say

That you're the reason i smile

The reason i breathe air

Sometimes i wish i could forget

That this feeling i could erase

But i know it's impossible

Because when i close my eyes all i see if your face

I know i'm not supposed to care

Or feel the way i do

But i can't deny my feelings

When i know they are true

I don't get to see you around much

And it makes me sad

Makes me wish i could have with you

All the wonderful things i never had

Every night i lay in bed

And i think of you

And ask myself a thousand times

Do you think of me too?

Sometimes i see you

Pass outside my door

I look at you and wonder

If it's me you're looking for?

I wish i were the one you turn to

when you're having a bad day

Knowing that i'm the person

Who'll make it all go away

I wish i could be the person

You long for to touch

A person who makes you smile

And for whom you care so much

I can't tell you how i feel

Even though i want to

I just keep on thinking

You wouldn't feel the way i do

i guess you'll never know

About the way i feel

Because deep down i know

It probably wasn't meant to be

You bring joy to my life

And brighten my day

You make me feel better

In every possible way

I wish i had the strength

To tell you how i feel

To tell you that i care

To tell you that i'm for real

The thought of you not knowing

Makes me want to cry

It cuts too deep down

Makes me feel like i'll die

I wish you could look into my eyes

And see the love i have for you

See me for who i am

And tell me you love me too

I hope that someday

I'll have the strength to do

What i always wanted to

And that is to say " I love you"

But till that day comes

I'll watch you from far away

Admire and love you

Like i did till this day

So if you don't know by now

Maybe i'll tell you someday

But till then i want you to know

That i love you, and that's all i'm going to say.
By Indira.

Cherie Call - Restless soul (Mormon) + Lyrics/Letra

I love this song so much, and especially today!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I feel my Savior's love!

Well just wanted to share this amazing song. I feel my Savior's love! I just love listening to this because I feel the Spirit! Really, what a great blessing to have these kind of music in our lives!

General Young Women Meeting Highlights

Well, I just wanted to share this wonderful video, this was on March but I just love this. I am so thankful I am a member of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, and I am also thankful because I was part of this wonderful organization which is the Young Women. I am thankful that I can now serve as a leader because I might not be the greatest but I know that I am there to learn and I just love that fact. I love my Heavenly Father and I love my Savior JESUS CHRIST!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why am I thankful for?

Well I decided to write a little bit about why am i thankful for? because most of the time I don't realize how many blessing I have in my life and today I felt that my Heavenly Father really loves me a lot because I have many great things around me, some bad ones as well but I know that I have them for a reason and because I know it's a reason that will help me to grow as a person, I am thankful for that.

I am thankful for the following:

1. I have my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Gospel in my life.
2. I have my family, my mother and my little brothers and even when I fight with them sometimes, I am so greatful I have them by my side. I just love them!
3. I have so many great friends that are such a good example in my life. Really, My Heavenly Father has blessed me so much with my friends, they give me advice when I feel that I can't continue anymore.
4. I have these amazing callings at church that always inspire me to be a better person, I know that I can be better, and I keep on trying!
5. My family is not rich, but we aren't poor either, how thankful I am for waking up everyday knowing that I'm healthy, that I have food, that I slept on a warm and confortable bed, how amazing is that? really!!
6. I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to feel love in my heart, even if the guy doesn't like me the way I wish he could like me, but it doesn't matter to me anymore, I am thankful that I can love.
7. I am so thankful that we have General Conferences, they are so great and help me a lot!
8. I am very very thankful that I'm a member of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. :)
9. I am so thankful that I have an amazing and fun family, this includes my grandma, uncles, aunts, cousins, they really are great :)

And I am thankful for many more things that happen to me everyday... The Lord is so great and I love him with all of my heart! I LOVE YOU MY HEAVENLY FATHER!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

David Archuleta Contigo En La Distancia (Sp. lyric & Eng. subtitles)

So, this is David Archuleta singing "Contigo en la Distancia" People who know me, may be tired of this song ha ha because I always play it, I just love it!
Reason why I love this song:

1. David Archuleta has a very beautiful voice, very soft and powerful at the same time lol :)

2. This song is so romantic!

3. It reminds me of someone I love, but I know someday I would stop loving...I hope.

4. David Archuleta is singing in Spanish.

5. The beautiful lyrics.

My Story and My testimony...a treasure in my heart!

 I am a member of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints more commonly known as Mormons. I got baptized when I was 9 years old, my grandma Trinidad Espinoza always put effort on taking me to church. I liked it a lot, the activities, the primary, everything was beautiful and I decided that getting baptize was the best desicion I could ever make. Sadly, I don't remember the day I got baptized, I was just 9 years old and after my baptism and my confirmation, I stopped going to church. Yeah I know so sad, but that happened. When I was 10, my mom took me to a Christian Church, it was really good, I liked it as well, but we stopped going because they never taught us doctrine, most of the time we were singing, I'm not saying that Christians never teach doctrine but in the church I was going, they never did. After that, my mom took me to a Baptist Church, I liked it a lot, the doctrine is so good and the people were so wonderful, I was so happy there, but when I turn 13, something in my heart and in my mind started telling me that I wasn't in the right place, that I needed something else, I never understood that feeling until I came to United States. I was 14 when that happened, and I told my mom that since we didn't know where a Baptist Church was, we could go with the Mormons :) I thought she was gonna say NO! but, she accepted and my uncle took us to a LDS church he knew long time ago. We started going, and I wish I could say the exact feelings I had when I was there. I felt so happy, like never before, I felt like I wanted to live there, like I could never leave that place because I felt so much peace in my heart, and I didn't know why I was feeling that way. I forgot to mention that the ward we were attending at that time was Van Nuys 5th (Spanish Speaking). After that, we had to move to North Hollywood, so I started going to North Hollywood 5th Spanish Ward, I felt really sad at the beginning because I was so in love with Van Nuys and it was really hard to leave my friends, and the brethern who were always so kind and helpful. So, started going to North Hollywood 5th, I remember that I sat next to the Sister Missionaries :) they were so kind to me, and made me feel that they were so happy because I was there :) Bishop Peñaloza was super kind and started telling me his jokes :) (he's always like that) :) Sadly, I stopped going to North Hollywood 5th, I went back to Van Nuys 5th, I was being disobedient and i didn't want to go to my ward (lol) until the missionaries came to my house and told me: Karla, you need to start going to your ward! I didn't like it, but I try to be obedient, and I started going again :) Everything was fine, I was friends with the sister missionaries :) they were always an inspiration to me, when I saw them I felt like I wanted to be like them because they were so nice and pure, always helping others, and when they shared their testimonies I felt happiness in my heart. One day, I went to church with my beautiful friend Gloria Solis...I remember that day, she had blond hair, everyone thought she was a white girl trying to learn spanish or something ha ha ha :) She liked church too, and kept going with me until one day we met a guy, I don't want to put his name on here but I am thankful I met him, because even though he tried his very best to horrified me with lies about the church, his attitude helped me to wake up and say: Karla! Where are you? Are you in the right path, or everything is a lie? He started telling stuff to Gloria about the church, saying things like Oh well, God talked to me and told me to advice you about those people who are visiting your family (the missionaries) you know that Joseph Smith was a stealer with Oliver Cowdery, Smith invented the Book of Mormon, and well he said so many things, and ofcourse Gloria got really scared, so was I when she told me, then he called me and told me the same things, but I didn't believe a thing, until one day I found him on the street, and seriously he did a good job, because after that I called the missionaries (the elders) I told them, Elders, I'm not going to church anymore, I don't want to know anything about churches anymore, I'm tired of that! I don't believe in any church anymore. Elder Harris was so sad when I told him that. He said: Karla, I can't believe you are telling me this, but let me tell you something, I won't try to convince you about coming back to church, that is your desicion and you are the one who are gonna lose blessings, not me! The only thing I can tell you is not to believe the man who talked to you, and don't believe in the thing we're teaching you, but ask God, He's the only one who would never lie to you, go and kneel down and ask with a sincere heart, with real intent and having faith in Jesus Christ and ask him about the book of Mormon, about Joseph Smith and ofcourse about the church, and I promise you that If you do that, you will receive an answer, and you'll know with all of your heart what you should do. I thought about it, because in the time I was in church I never asked if I was in the right path, I was there because I felt good, but I never had a testimony. So I did what Elder Harris told me to do....I pray :)

Yes! I prayed, and I felt so good :) but I couldn't recognize an answer, until I went to Seminary :)
My Bishop Peñaloza was there again, he was my teacher and like I said before, I wish I could express with exact words the feelings I had when I was there, I received my answer :) I felt the Spirit so strong, so powerful that I didn't have a doubt that I was in the right place :) I cried, I smiled, I was so happy, I felt so much peace in my heart, all I could think about was to be like Jesus Christ, I just wanted to be a better person and change all the bad things I had in my life, I felt like that everyday I was going to Seminary, every moment I was in church, every moment the missionaries came over to visit my family, until one day I felt the same way in school, I was always feeling the Spirtit so strong that I realized that I was in the true place, the true church and I was thankful that I was there :) I also felt with all my heart the desire to go on a mission, I was just 15 years old and I remember myself praying to not fall in love with anyone so I could go on a mission :) I think that's why I don't have a boyfriend lol :) Well, I think this is the end. The last thing I want to say is that I still feel the same about the church, I am thankful I'm part of this wonderful gospel, it has blessed my life and my family. We aren't perfect, but we keep on trying. I know that my Heavenly Father loves us, Jesus Christ is our Savior, He's our Redeemer, "I know that my Redeemer lives" and I wish I could be a better person, because I know that sometimes I could be better, but I don't even try. I love my family, and I hope someday I can serve a mission :) I hope I can be a good missionary and with a sincere heart bring people to the gospel of JESUS CHRIST.

I also know for that If we ask with a sincere heart, God will always answer our prayers, because we are His children and He loves us, and He wants us to be in the right path. In the name of my Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.