Welcome to my world!

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I feel my Savior's love!

Hello everyone! Well, I want to start my blog by saying that I love my Heavenly Father and my Redeemer Jesus Christ. They are amazing! And I wish I could be better just because They deserve that and more. 
Sometimes when I look at myself, I always feel that I need to improve, that there is more I could do or more I could give and that what I'm doing is not enough. I pray to the Lord so He can help me, because He is the only one who can actually help us, and when I feel that way, He always sends people to remind me that He loves me, and even though I am not perfect, He makes me feel that He is happy with the effort I am making. I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ because they never leave me alone, They love me and love each one of us and I know it because I feel that love in my heart. I am so blessed because I have the gospel in my life. I feel blessed because how many people are out there who don't even know who is Jesus Christ? or maybe they know who He is but they don't have Him in their lives. I wish I could see my grandmother right now and hug her and thank her for taking me to church when I was 9 years old. That was one of the great things she did, to take me to church so I could learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I thank her because now I have faith in Jesus Christ, because now I am a member of this amazing church: The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, I thank her because what I've learned in this church, I wouldn't have learned in any other place. It is true that when you do the little things, big things can be achieved. 

This is one of my favorites hymns. I hope you like it!

Monday, November 14, 2011

I love Sundays!

I always start my blogs with "Hello everyone"! But today I just don't wanna do that haha. 
Well "I love Sundays" is the title of this post, and yeah I am in love with Sundays. Since the morning starts, it's just great. I feel happy to wake up and get ready to go to church. I feel blessed that I am a member of the Lord's Church "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". I feel happy that I can go every Sunday and enjoy the talks, the sacraments, seeing the brethren and just learning and feel the Spirit. It is just amazing that when you have a certain problem and you can't find the answer, the only thing you have to do is to go to church because I don't know why but every time you go there, you just find the answer or solution to your problem, maybe you found the answer while one of the brethren was giving a talk, or maybe in one of the classes and it might seem that they know your problem because you listen to the right words at the right moment. We are blessed to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. I am thankful to God and to my grandmother because I have the gospel because of them, otherwise; I would be in another place, not enjoying the blessings that I have now :)

I found this amazing picture and wanted to share it, I love the Temple :) and I'm going to the Visitors Center tomorrow, I am so happy! I can't go in the temple yet but soon I will and yes I can't wait! :)