Welcome to my world!

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Hello everyone! Well today I decided to write in my blog since I haven't done it in a while. I know I'm not a really good blogger...I should be better haha but sadly I just don't have time sometimes. Anyways! Today I am very thoughtful (Well to be honest, I can be a very thoughtful person) I think so much about my life. I think of the things I have and on the things that I don't have, but I want to get better at recognizing the wonderful blessings that I have in my life because If I think of the things that I wish I could have but I don't, we are just gonna get depressed here, and no! That's not the point!

Today was a great day, and you know why? Because I worked! It is a wonderful blessing to have a job, even if it's one that you don't really like too much, but THAT doesn't matter too much because how many people are out there begging for a job? and at least I have one :)

I am so thankful I have my mom by my side, I try my best to be an independent person, but seriously my mom helps me too much and I don't know what would I do in life without her. Moms are amazing! :)

I am so thankful I have the gospel in my life! I would never get tired of saying it! I don't know how my life would be like without the gospel of Jesus Christ....I am sooo blessed!! Knowing that there is Someone up there loving you just the way you are, hoping that you will be better but loving you with pure love still, knowing that there is an AMAZING BEING taking care of you and telling you: Don't give up because I am with you and I won't live you alone!

I am blessed because I have a place where I can always stay with my family, a calm place :) I mean a place where I feel good and safe because If we are talking about my house being calm I would be lying haha during the day my house is most of the time full of people and we can be kind of loud....We are Mexicans, what can I say? haha :) 

Well, I'm gonna hit the road. First, because I don't want you (the reader) to get bored! 
Second, I have to go to bed and rest because tomorrow I have to work too.
and Third, because my mom is going to kill me if I stay late using the computer :) haha you know! Mothers!!!! :) 

Well before I go, I want to share a video that I love it has nothing to do with my subject but I love it!

I am still obsessed with the guys from "Il Volo" I can't believe they are so young and they have such incredible voices!! :) Well hope you guys like it! Bye! :)

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