Welcome to my world!

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Good bye 2011!

Time goes by so fast! It really does and now it is time to say bye to 2011 and say welcome to 2012. Can't believe it! This year has been great, I can't complain. Actually, I can't ever complain. You know why? because even though life might seem difficult at times, I can see the hand of the Lord blessing me every single day. Seriously! There's no day in which I can say that God is not helping me because I would be lying. 
I am really excited about next year, many things will happen...I know! But there is one thing in particular that will happen and just to think about that it gives me lot of happiness and hope. Yes...I am talking about my mission!
Serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been my dream since I was 15 years old and now that time is getting closer, I can't help to feel thrilled and nervous at the same time. Anyways, on 2012 I will also turn 21 years old...yay! I will finally be able to buy beer! LOL I am totally joking! :) But I can't believe that next year I will celebrate my 21st birthday!


see ya next year ;) 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I am happy...

“This is my prayer for all of us—'Lord, increase our faith.' Increase our faith to bridge the chasms of uncertainty and doubt. . . . Grant us faith to look beyond the problems of the moment to the miracles of the future. . . . Give us faith to do what is right and let the consequence follow.” -Gordon B. Hinckley

I really like quotes especially lds quotes, they always inspire me to be a better person and tonight this one touched my heart because this is how I feel right now. 

I know I've said it many times but I have to say it again because it is just true. I am so blessed that I have the gospel in my life. It is such a great guide in my life. I know that without the gospel my life would be very very different and I know I wouldn't like that. 

Today I was analyzing my life and I have a lot of blessings and one of those blessings is my family. They are always there for me, especially my mom, I have to say that SHE IS AWESOME! SHE REALLY IS AN INCREDIBLE MOTHER! Sometimes I think what would happen if she wouldn't be with us anymore and I get terrified to even think about it. She is so important in my life! 

I want to thank God for my job! I just love it! Everyone is so nice, especially my boss! He is just amazing, he is always nice to me, I feel protected. He is always saying jokes and he makes me laugh, I don't know I just think he is a great guy and he has been like a dad to me at my job! And everyone is awesome there! I have to say it: I really really like my job! I feel happy when I go to work, when my alarm wakes me up in the morning I feel thrilled to go to work :)

I really have to thank God because I have all the things I need, God has blessed me so much and I want to say how much I love HIM because He is just AMAZING! 

And for all of that and more...I want to be a better person! I want to accomplish all my goals and give the world a testimony of God and Jesus Christ!

Well...Good night everyone!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Aveces me inspiro...

Well just wanted to say that just in case you didn't know I like to write once in a while haha. Of course they're usually love letters, and I don't really like to post them here because I have to accept that they are pretty corny haha. But I like to write because that is a good way to express how I feel at the moment :) (I know I'm so corny and girly haha but that's just me, what can I say?) Anyways, I hope everyone had a great Christmas!! Mine was good, I was with my family :)

You don't even know...

I really like you and you dont even know. 
You have my heart broken and you dont know that either. 
I wish I didnt like you the way I do 
I wish you were just another person, but sadly you have became very important to me 
and I know I shouldnt like you the way I do but this feeling is stronger than me. 
Why do I like you? Is a question that has no answer.
 The only thing I know is that when you look at me, I feel that my heart is gonna come out of my body.
An emotional uncontrollable roller coaster...
Who would say I was gonna fall for you? 
Who would know that your eyes were gonna drive me crazy? 
I feel sorry for myself, I feel hopeless, I wish you loved me, but you rarely look at me. 
I wish I could go and hug you and tell you that you are my everything,  
but I'm scared that things would not come out the way I want them to be. 
Maybe one day this heart will stop feeling love for you 
but for now I have to deal with this passion that is killing me.

Author: Karla Selene Torres Chavez

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December is here!!!

Well I am so happy we are already in the month of December. :)
December is one of my favorite months of the year, the reasons are many but the main one is because of Christmas :) I really like Christmas! I love having a Christmas Tree at my house, having Christmas decorations, I love that Christmas is all about Jesus Christ :)
Today when I was on facebook, I was reading in the Mormon Channel ,suggestions of how we can make Christmas all about Christ because it is not Xmas it is CHRISTmas!
Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. This is the time to remember more about Him, to thank Him for coming to the earth to save all of us.
I am thrilled to watch the Christmas devotional of the First Presidency this coming Sunday. I am also thrilled to go to the stake and listen to the Christmas hymns that all the members from each ward are gonna sing :)
I just love the good spirit that Christmas brings! :)

Noviembre sin ti (November without you)

Well I know we are not on November anymore, I wanted to write a few more things during the month of November but sadly I couldn't because I was doing other stuff.
November is a month of gratitude. We should all be thankful everyday for all the blessings we have in our lives but November is just special because it is the month of gratitude. Anyways, on this post I want to write about the things of which I am grateful.

I am thankful because:

-I know I am a daughter of God
-I know Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer and I know He loves me :)
-I am super thankful because I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I couldn't be happier and I mean it. Having the gospel in my life is just such a great blessing, such a great guide in my life, when I think about my life without the gospel I get kind of scared thinking where would I be if I wouldn't have this guide in my life. I know I might not be the greatest person but I know that If I hadn't the gospel I would be in a really bad place.
-I am thankful for my family, they support me a lot, especially my mother and I love her because she is always there for me when I need her.
-I am thankful for all of those blessings I have everyday, when I can see the hand of the Lord helping me with my everyday problems.
-I am thankful for having important things like a family, a home, a warm bed, food, clothes and well the list can go on and on...
-I am thankful I am a seminary teacher because I know I am not there because I know everything, I am there because I need to learn more and I am actually learning a lot and I never thought I was gonna enjoy teaching the Old Testament, it is hard though but I am actually understanding the Old Testament now :)
-I am thankful I am serving in the Young Women Organization, just like seminary I am also learning a lot :)
-I am thankful with my Heavenly Father for providing me a job and when I don't have a job He always provides me the way to pay my bills and things that I need, really He has never left me alone. NEVER!

The list can be endless...but I guess I'll stop here.

I know this is super late but I hope you all had a great thanksgiving! :)