Welcome to my world!

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My teeth!! :)

Hello everyone! Well I just wanted to say that I am very happy today because today at 10am my dentist finally removed my braces and even though I kind of miss my braces (just a little) I am very excited of how my teeth look :) 
So, right now I want to share with you all the progress of my teeth since the first day I got the braces...
So Here I go...

These photos are from the very first day I got the braces, I don't even have the bottom ones on these pictures. This was on March 2011.

The second month

This was like the 4th month.

Six months :)

8 months :)

1 year :)

haha my bulldog face when I had my wisdom teeth out :)

Just last picture with braces :)

And the moment more expected haha THE END of treatment May 31st, 2012.


Friday, May 18, 2012

My husband and all of my boyfriends! :)

Hello everyone! Well...This post will not surprise anyone since all of you know how I like to joke about certain celebrities, like when I say William "Papucho" Levy is my boyfriend haha so in this post I will present to you all of my boyfriends haha and the only celebrity who is my hmm future husband haha.

David Archuleta :)

Yeah I know. He is super cute and his personality is amazing :) plus he is a Latter-day Saint and he has an amazing voice and he is serving a mission...that's why he is my future husband LOL!! 

Ok, so I will continue now with my boyfriends...

William Levy :) who I call William Papucho Levy ;)

Aww! He is so handsome :) plus he is a really good dancer and he is CUBAN!  :) Ladies! Stay away from this man! LOL

Ok so my other boyfriend is Javier Hernandez :) Yes, my CHICHARITO!!

Well he is handsome too, and he is a soccer player :) from Mexico of course haha 

Next one? Well...Jaime Camil ;)

I know, I know, I know! He is a cutie!! LOL and he is super funny too :)

The other one, that I rarely mention but who is also in my list haha is Aaron Diaz :)

A lot of you ladies will agree with me that he is just so handsome!! :) 

Ok...so the next one is Paul Walker :)

Well the list can go endless but these ones are recognized by all of my friends hahaha

aahh by the way...Remember that we all have the right to dream LOL!! 

Have a good day!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My favorite song!!!

(Pepe Aguilar)

Si piensas que te estoy haciendo daño,
En este mismo instante yo me voy,
Personas como yo salen sobrando,
No quiero ser la causa de tu llanto

Jamás pensé que amarte fuera malo,
La culpa es del maldito corazón,
Sobrado como potro desbocado,
Cayendo en los excesos del amor

Por haberte lastimado sin querer,
Sólo quise cuidarte, mimarte, adorarte
Por el abuso a tu persona, por favor

Quiera Dios que los años,
Te curen las heridas,
Que te causó mi amor

Jamás pensé que amarte fuera malo,
La culpa es del maldito corazón,
Sobrado como potro desbocado,
Cayendo en los excesos del amor

Por haberte lastimado sin querer
Sólo quise cuidarte, mimarte, adorarte
Por el abuso a tu persona, por favor

Necesitas un hombre
Que no sepa quererte,
Y ese no puedo ser yo

Ese no puedo ser yo
Just wanted to tell you all how much I love this song. It is maybe my favorite song in the world. I love everything about it...the lyrics. the singer's voice (so pretty), the music..just everything! Such a romantic song!


Monday, May 7, 2012

El amor que siento por ti

Hi :)
Well since yesterday I wrote a poem and it seemed that some people liked it haha I kind of got the courage to post some other poems that I wrote some years ago. So probably this week I will be posting my corny poems and love letters haha hope you like them or laugh about them haha 

"El Amor que siento por ti"

El Amor que siento por ti es fuego ardiente que quema mi pobre corazón,
este amor que poco a poco me esta ahogando en este mar de dolor.
Quisiera encontrar una forma, de alguna manera penetrar tu corazón
y habitar ahi para siempre
pero lo unico que abraza mi ilusión 
es la esperanza de algun dia saber que tu tambien me amas.
Esta espera por tu amor me esta matando dia con dia
y siento que mi ilusion se convierte en mi desdicha
¿Cómo hacerte entender que sin ti no tengo nada y contigo lo tengo todo?
¿Cómo hacerte saber que mi vida ya la he puesto en tus manos y que de ti depende mi felicidad?
Quisiera que supieras que mi amor por ti es verdadero
y que tan solo me basta escuchar tu voz para poder sonreir.
Y ¿Cómo poder olvidarte?
Si en mi pensamiento estas a cada momento.
¿Cómo poder olvidar tu sonrisa que consuela mi dolor y tu mirada que abraza mi alma?
¿Cómo poder despertar sin saber que mientras dormia tu habitabas mi soñar?
Este amor por ti ya se ha convertido en mi dolor
y si pudiera iria hacia a ti, te abrazaria y te confesaria este amor que ya no puede mantenerse en secreto
ya que este amor se ha convertido en mi pasión.
Lo unico que quiero que sepas es que yo ¡TE AMO!

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chavez.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

"Lo que no debi querer"

Well I'm pretty sure you guys know that sometimes I like to write poems even though all of them are super corny haha but I guess that's just how I am :) 
Well I wanted to share with you all a poem that I wrote not that long ago, I wrote it in spanish so for you all that are bilingual you will understand it :) It's called " Lo que no debi querer" (What I shouldn't loved) 

"Lo que no debi querer"

No se porque te sigo queriendo
cuando tu rompiste mi corazón
un corazón que se dañó
porque no pudo sentir tu compasión.
Quisiera poder dejar de quererte
pero el corazón es necio
e insiste en anhelarte
Quizas no sea amor, mi amor
tal vez sea una pasion enfermiza
este amor me martiriza
pero todavía siento por ti un gran amor
La vida es muy complicada
aveces te da frias cubetadas
Dime, ¿Cómo te olvido?
porque esto se convirtió en mi delirio
Tus ojos son los más hechizantes 
bendigo haberlos conocido
aunque me llevaron relevante
hacia tu mundo vacio
Tal vez algún día valores lo mucho que te quize
Quizás algún día te arrepientas del daño que me hiciste
Por lo pronto solo puedo bendecirte
Y olvidar que algun día me conociste
Tu indiferencia me mata
tu olvido me hiere
tu traición causo una herida
que ojala el tiempo cure
Eres el amor de mi vida
pero debo dejarte ir
porque la vida me espera
y es tiempo de partir
Adiós mi gran amor
es tiempo de dejarte ir
ya que esta vida es corta
y tengo que seguir
Solo quiero que sepas
que fuiste lo que yo más quise
Aunque tal vez quise
lo que no debí querer.

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chavez.

Well hopefully you guys like it :) Have a good night! :)

Just sharing some thoughts! :)

Hello everyone! Well I kind of forgot about blogger for a while. I've been doing so much lately and sometimes I don't even have time to use the computer. Facebook I check it all the time because I have internet in my cellphone so that makes it easier for me to check facebook but blogger it's different, at least in my case I always need a computer to feel inspired and write something haha. Well, I am very happy because today I submitted my mission application to my bishop so he can fill out his part and then the stake president will do his part as well so hopefully I can send my mission papers. Everytime I imagine myself as a sister missionary I just get very excited and I feel like I want to read more and be more prepared for this amazing calling. I can't wait. I've been wanting this for years. Actually, since I was 15 years old I decided that I really wanted to serve a mission and I attend to be very indecisive but I had never doubted about serving a mission, well finally the time it's almost here and when I receive my mission call I will let you all know where I will serve :) but hey don't expect me to go to Africa or somewhere like that because in my case I don't really think I will be able to even go outside of the state I live because of a situation that I have haha but it's okay, I mean it doesn't matter where you serve the Lord but how you serve Him :) and even if they send me just around the corner I will be happy because I will be doing what I always wanted to do :) 
When you want to go on a mission, you have to be prepared  both physically and spiritually so I've been doing my part my getting ready for both and like 2 weeks ago I got my wisdom teeth out, before this happened I was being a big time drama queen (like always haha) and I was so scared but it wasn't that bad, I mean it was painful somehow and ofcourse it is super uncomfortable after the surgery but it's something very normal but it is funny that a few hours after the surgery you start looking like a bulldog haha Well for every person it's different but in my case my cheeks were very swollen...I'll share one picture (even though I look terrible haha)

Yeah I know I looked like Kiko from "El Chavo del 8" haha but I wanted to save a picture looking like that so someday I'll share it with my children or grandchildren haha :)
I just really want to say that I'm very thankful I have the gospel in my life. I'm thankful for our Heavenly Father and for His Son Jesus Christ our Savior and Redeemer. I know my life would be really bad without the gospel and that even though I am not perfect at all, I've made right decisions in life and that's because of the gospel of Jesus Christ :)