Welcome to my world!

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Good bye 2011!

Time goes by so fast! It really does and now it is time to say bye to 2011 and say welcome to 2012. Can't believe it! This year has been great, I can't complain. Actually, I can't ever complain. You know why? because even though life might seem difficult at times, I can see the hand of the Lord blessing me every single day. Seriously! There's no day in which I can say that God is not helping me because I would be lying. 
I am really excited about next year, many things will happen...I know! But there is one thing in particular that will happen and just to think about that it gives me lot of happiness and hope. Yes...I am talking about my mission!
Serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been my dream since I was 15 years old and now that time is getting closer, I can't help to feel thrilled and nervous at the same time. Anyways, on 2012 I will also turn 21 years old...yay! I will finally be able to buy beer! LOL I am totally joking! :) But I can't believe that next year I will celebrate my 21st birthday!


see ya next year ;) 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I am happy...

“This is my prayer for all of us—'Lord, increase our faith.' Increase our faith to bridge the chasms of uncertainty and doubt. . . . Grant us faith to look beyond the problems of the moment to the miracles of the future. . . . Give us faith to do what is right and let the consequence follow.” -Gordon B. Hinckley

I really like quotes especially lds quotes, they always inspire me to be a better person and tonight this one touched my heart because this is how I feel right now. 

I know I've said it many times but I have to say it again because it is just true. I am so blessed that I have the gospel in my life. It is such a great guide in my life. I know that without the gospel my life would be very very different and I know I wouldn't like that. 

Today I was analyzing my life and I have a lot of blessings and one of those blessings is my family. They are always there for me, especially my mom, I have to say that SHE IS AWESOME! SHE REALLY IS AN INCREDIBLE MOTHER! Sometimes I think what would happen if she wouldn't be with us anymore and I get terrified to even think about it. She is so important in my life! 

I want to thank God for my job! I just love it! Everyone is so nice, especially my boss! He is just amazing, he is always nice to me, I feel protected. He is always saying jokes and he makes me laugh, I don't know I just think he is a great guy and he has been like a dad to me at my job! And everyone is awesome there! I have to say it: I really really like my job! I feel happy when I go to work, when my alarm wakes me up in the morning I feel thrilled to go to work :)

I really have to thank God because I have all the things I need, God has blessed me so much and I want to say how much I love HIM because He is just AMAZING! 

And for all of that and more...I want to be a better person! I want to accomplish all my goals and give the world a testimony of God and Jesus Christ!

Well...Good night everyone!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Aveces me inspiro...

Well just wanted to say that just in case you didn't know I like to write once in a while haha. Of course they're usually love letters, and I don't really like to post them here because I have to accept that they are pretty corny haha. But I like to write because that is a good way to express how I feel at the moment :) (I know I'm so corny and girly haha but that's just me, what can I say?) Anyways, I hope everyone had a great Christmas!! Mine was good, I was with my family :)

You don't even know...

I really like you and you dont even know. 
You have my heart broken and you dont know that either. 
I wish I didnt like you the way I do 
I wish you were just another person, but sadly you have became very important to me 
and I know I shouldnt like you the way I do but this feeling is stronger than me. 
Why do I like you? Is a question that has no answer.
 The only thing I know is that when you look at me, I feel that my heart is gonna come out of my body.
An emotional uncontrollable roller coaster...
Who would say I was gonna fall for you? 
Who would know that your eyes were gonna drive me crazy? 
I feel sorry for myself, I feel hopeless, I wish you loved me, but you rarely look at me. 
I wish I could go and hug you and tell you that you are my everything,  
but I'm scared that things would not come out the way I want them to be. 
Maybe one day this heart will stop feeling love for you 
but for now I have to deal with this passion that is killing me.

Author: Karla Selene Torres Chavez

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December is here!!!

Well I am so happy we are already in the month of December. :)
December is one of my favorite months of the year, the reasons are many but the main one is because of Christmas :) I really like Christmas! I love having a Christmas Tree at my house, having Christmas decorations, I love that Christmas is all about Jesus Christ :)
Today when I was on facebook, I was reading in the Mormon Channel ,suggestions of how we can make Christmas all about Christ because it is not Xmas it is CHRISTmas!
Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. This is the time to remember more about Him, to thank Him for coming to the earth to save all of us.
I am thrilled to watch the Christmas devotional of the First Presidency this coming Sunday. I am also thrilled to go to the stake and listen to the Christmas hymns that all the members from each ward are gonna sing :)
I just love the good spirit that Christmas brings! :)

Noviembre sin ti (November without you)

Well I know we are not on November anymore, I wanted to write a few more things during the month of November but sadly I couldn't because I was doing other stuff.
November is a month of gratitude. We should all be thankful everyday for all the blessings we have in our lives but November is just special because it is the month of gratitude. Anyways, on this post I want to write about the things of which I am grateful.

I am thankful because:

-I know I am a daughter of God
-I know Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer and I know He loves me :)
-I am super thankful because I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I couldn't be happier and I mean it. Having the gospel in my life is just such a great blessing, such a great guide in my life, when I think about my life without the gospel I get kind of scared thinking where would I be if I wouldn't have this guide in my life. I know I might not be the greatest person but I know that If I hadn't the gospel I would be in a really bad place.
-I am thankful for my family, they support me a lot, especially my mother and I love her because she is always there for me when I need her.
-I am thankful for all of those blessings I have everyday, when I can see the hand of the Lord helping me with my everyday problems.
-I am thankful for having important things like a family, a home, a warm bed, food, clothes and well the list can go on and on...
-I am thankful I am a seminary teacher because I know I am not there because I know everything, I am there because I need to learn more and I am actually learning a lot and I never thought I was gonna enjoy teaching the Old Testament, it is hard though but I am actually understanding the Old Testament now :)
-I am thankful I am serving in the Young Women Organization, just like seminary I am also learning a lot :)
-I am thankful with my Heavenly Father for providing me a job and when I don't have a job He always provides me the way to pay my bills and things that I need, really He has never left me alone. NEVER!

The list can be endless...but I guess I'll stop here.

I know this is super late but I hope you all had a great thanksgiving! :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I feel my Savior's love!

Hello everyone! Well, I want to start my blog by saying that I love my Heavenly Father and my Redeemer Jesus Christ. They are amazing! And I wish I could be better just because They deserve that and more. 
Sometimes when I look at myself, I always feel that I need to improve, that there is more I could do or more I could give and that what I'm doing is not enough. I pray to the Lord so He can help me, because He is the only one who can actually help us, and when I feel that way, He always sends people to remind me that He loves me, and even though I am not perfect, He makes me feel that He is happy with the effort I am making. I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ because they never leave me alone, They love me and love each one of us and I know it because I feel that love in my heart. I am so blessed because I have the gospel in my life. I feel blessed because how many people are out there who don't even know who is Jesus Christ? or maybe they know who He is but they don't have Him in their lives. I wish I could see my grandmother right now and hug her and thank her for taking me to church when I was 9 years old. That was one of the great things she did, to take me to church so I could learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I thank her because now I have faith in Jesus Christ, because now I am a member of this amazing church: The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, I thank her because what I've learned in this church, I wouldn't have learned in any other place. It is true that when you do the little things, big things can be achieved. 

This is one of my favorites hymns. I hope you like it!

Monday, November 14, 2011

I love Sundays!

I always start my blogs with "Hello everyone"! But today I just don't wanna do that haha. 
Well "I love Sundays" is the title of this post, and yeah I am in love with Sundays. Since the morning starts, it's just great. I feel happy to wake up and get ready to go to church. I feel blessed that I am a member of the Lord's Church "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". I feel happy that I can go every Sunday and enjoy the talks, the sacraments, seeing the brethren and just learning and feel the Spirit. It is just amazing that when you have a certain problem and you can't find the answer, the only thing you have to do is to go to church because I don't know why but every time you go there, you just find the answer or solution to your problem, maybe you found the answer while one of the brethren was giving a talk, or maybe in one of the classes and it might seem that they know your problem because you listen to the right words at the right moment. We are blessed to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. I am thankful to God and to my grandmother because I have the gospel because of them, otherwise; I would be in another place, not enjoying the blessings that I have now :)

I found this amazing picture and wanted to share it, I love the Temple :) and I'm going to the Visitors Center tomorrow, I am so happy! I can't go in the temple yet but soon I will and yes I can't wait! :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

So I think I'm obsessed with...

YEP! I really think I am and not because he is cute, yeah I have to accept he is kind of attactive ;) but because of his amazing and beautiful voice. I have always known he is very talented and that he has this powerful  voice but lately I've been listening to his songs and I'm just IN LOVE with his voice! I can't help it! 

Well changing the subject :) Tomorrow is church day :) Yay! Tomorrow will be the second time that I give a class to the girls and I love it, I just read the class and it is wonderful the things you can learn from the scriptures and the manuals :) 


Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm a terrible blogger!

Hello everyone! Well as you can see, it's been a while...
Life is just crazy sometimes and just like my title says, "I'm a terrible blogger" because I never have time to blog. Sometimes I look at my other friends' blogs and I wish my blog could be as entertaining as theirs, but oh well :) I guess it's okay.
Well I wanted to share that I am very happy because I have two amazing callings at church. I am a Seminary Teacher :) and they just called me to work with the Young Women as a 1st counselor.
I really like being a seminary teacher, of course like everything it has its advantages and disadvantages
The advantages:
-I am learning so much from the scriptures.
-I never thought I was gonna enjoy learning from the Old Testament.
-I am learning to be patient :)
-I am actually reading my scriptures everyday :)
-I feel like this is a great preparation for my mission so this is just a great blessing :)
-I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. everyday :( 
-You know dealing with teenagers is not that easy haha but hey I'm not complaining! I'm thankful for this! 
Just a few disadvantages...I can't complain too much when I have such a great blessing in my life :)

So, like I said they just called me to work with the YW and I am excited! There is a lot of work to do too, but the YW program is way fun so I can't complain either and I am also learning a lot. I know that I learned way too much as a young woman but now that I'm a leader I am learning more and I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to grow spiritually and of course I am thankful that I can be an instrument in the hands of the Lord to help HIS daughters :)

Well, I also want to say that in order to go on a mission I only need to wait 7 more months! So yeah, I'm really excited :) 

Another thing that I want to say is that I went back to school :) Finally! haha. Well it is not college but it is an adult school and you can graduate from short careers, like me, I am studying to become an office technician and in like 2 more months I'll be able to finish that and apply for a job :) and I hope I can get one because I still don't have a job and that really sucks :( (that is actually the only bad new of the month) Buenas Noches ;)


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


"It's better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all"

"Sometimes we loose things we care about to be reminded of what we need to focus on"

My two favorite quotes of the day!

True, true, true!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dont' know what's going on!

Hello everyone! I don't really know how to start this blog, there are so many things I want to say but I want to think of how to say them because I really don't want to make my private life public. Anyways, I want to start saying that life is full of surprises, great things happen when you least expect them, and at the end you end up where you never thought you would and that doesn't mean that, that certain place is bad, it is just that you never thought about it but it is good still. 
Well, right now my life it's kind of boring and I hate to say it but it is. I don't have job, I'm not studying, I'm just at home cleaning and that's it. I haven't had a lot of success on finding a job (I guess for some reason I haven't put a lot of effort on finding one) Am I depressed? I hope not. The truth is that I need to change all of these. I want to be happy! Really happy! And I know that happiness doesn't come when you get the things you want but when you learn to love and value the things you have. Happiness is when you learn to love all people around you and when you serve others. And that's what I want now! I want to stop thinking about me (I mean at some level because of course I have to work for my goals) but I want to be able to help others more, that way I will stop thinking about my drama which is not helping me at all. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Hello everyone! Well today I decided to write in my blog since I haven't done it in a while. I know I'm not a really good blogger...I should be better haha but sadly I just don't have time sometimes. Anyways! Today I am very thoughtful (Well to be honest, I can be a very thoughtful person) I think so much about my life. I think of the things I have and on the things that I don't have, but I want to get better at recognizing the wonderful blessings that I have in my life because If I think of the things that I wish I could have but I don't, we are just gonna get depressed here, and no! That's not the point!

Today was a great day, and you know why? Because I worked! It is a wonderful blessing to have a job, even if it's one that you don't really like too much, but THAT doesn't matter too much because how many people are out there begging for a job? and at least I have one :)

I am so thankful I have my mom by my side, I try my best to be an independent person, but seriously my mom helps me too much and I don't know what would I do in life without her. Moms are amazing! :)

I am so thankful I have the gospel in my life! I would never get tired of saying it! I don't know how my life would be like without the gospel of Jesus Christ....I am sooo blessed!! Knowing that there is Someone up there loving you just the way you are, hoping that you will be better but loving you with pure love still, knowing that there is an AMAZING BEING taking care of you and telling you: Don't give up because I am with you and I won't live you alone!

I am blessed because I have a place where I can always stay with my family, a calm place :) I mean a place where I feel good and safe because If we are talking about my house being calm I would be lying haha during the day my house is most of the time full of people and we can be kind of loud....We are Mexicans, what can I say? haha :) 

Well, I'm gonna hit the road. First, because I don't want you (the reader) to get bored! 
Second, I have to go to bed and rest because tomorrow I have to work too.
and Third, because my mom is going to kill me if I stay late using the computer :) haha you know! Mothers!!!! :) 

Well before I go, I want to share a video that I love it has nothing to do with my subject but I love it!

I am still obsessed with the guys from "Il Volo" I can't believe they are so young and they have such incredible voices!! :) Well hope you guys like it! Bye! :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time in my life!

Sometimes I am very thoughtful about the time in my life. All the people who know me know that I want to serve a full-time mission for The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. I always talk about it because that's something that I would love to do. So I had a job, I was already saving money for my mission, but now that I don't have a job, I just feel like the time stopped for me, even though time never stops but I just feel like it did. I was so thrilled about turning 20 years old last month because I was thinking: I only need one more year for my mission! I can't believe that before I was counting the years and now I am counting the months...but since I don't have a job anymore and I'm not studying either (for now) I feel like the time is going so slow! Agh! But I also know that it shouldn't be that way because I also want to enjoy every single day of my life...it seems like just yesterday I was 15 years old and now I am 20!!! I feel old haha even though I'm not. And I think that I have to enjoy this last year that I have with my family and friends before going on a mission, because maybe when I least expect it I'll be already 21 and probably when I get there I'll say that I wish I could go back to enjoy every moment and I don't want that to happen so I need to figure out how to enjoy every day. I guess I'll I need to do is not to think so much about the future, I just need to live day by day, of course I'll always have my goals in mind and work on them but without ignoring what I'm living at the moment. 

I just thought that was a cool clock, don't you think? And it relates to my subject so yeah :)

Anyways, changing the subject a little bit, I am looking for a job, I'm not sure yet but probably I'll work as a "nanny" soon. I still need to go to an interview. I hope I can get the job, I love kids...and...I need a job! :)

Well, time to go. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hello everyone!! Well...everything's has been alright! Not so much had happened in my life, just a few things. I lost my job like 2 weeks ago, so now I am looking for a new one. I am really sad I lost my job because I loved it, I don't know If I ever mentioned that I was working with the elderly and I loved it! I really like helping others and get paid by doing that it is just great haha :) Anyways. I really want to find another job because I want to continue saving money for my mission. Did I ever mention how much I would love to serve a full-time mission? Well, If you didn't know. That is one of my biggest dreams ever! I know that the Lord loves everyone of His children, I know that my Redeemer Jesus Christ lives and through the Prophet Joseph Smith, He restored his gospel, I also know that the gospel blesses people's lives, I know this with all of my heart, so why not to share that with the world? Plus I would be serving the Lord by serving others :). But to be able to do that, I need to save money, of course. So that's why I need to find a job and keep saving money. I really hope I'll find one soon, I just hope it's a job like the one I had before...it is amazing when you find a job where they pay good, treat you right, and you love what you do, but let's see what happens :)

Well, I also want to talk about today. Today was a great day but it was a sad day too. Two of my favorites missionaries who served in my ward just left. Elder Houghton and Elder Batschi. Both of them are amazing! And of course, my family and I will miss them A LOT! 
The reason why my day was great is because today Elder Houghton's family and Elder Batschi's family came over to my house. It was so great to have them over. They are very nice people and I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet such amazing people! So I would like to share some of the pictures we took today.

I really like this picture because all of us were together. 3 families in a picture haha! I just don't get tired of saying how nice they are...every single one of them! 

This is Elder Batschi's family. They are from Washington! They were very nice and kind all the time!

And...this is Elder Houghton's family!! Very nice people too, so kind and humble!! I will miss them a lot!! :) and they are from Texas!

Tiffany Houghton. Elder Houghton's sister! She is so pretty and nice. I am glad I got to meet her! :)

And of course, a picture with coolest missionaries ever! I will miss you guys!! 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mexico vs U.S.A.

So, today at 5:00pm (California time) Mexico will be playing against U.S.A. I am so thrilled for this game and anxious to know what the score will be. I am hoping Mexico will win since I am from Mexico, but if U.S.A. wins I'll be happy too because I love U.S.A. too, it's the country I live and I love so many things about it. So let's see what happens today!! yoo-hoo!!!

and ofcourse I can't miss it either cuz my boyfriend will be playing!! (Alright! He is not my boyfriend, only in my dreams but he is haha) ;)

Mi chicharito!!! :) Make many goals my love! haha :)

I'm back again!

Hey everyone! Well too many bad and good things had happened. I don't know from where I should start. Anyways, I guess I'll start from the beginning haha! Well, my computer was messed up and I was so sad, so I had to give it back to the store where I bought it and they took so long to give it back to me again, but finally I have it again and guess what? I am happy! :) 

Well, while my computer was gone. An important event happened!

I really love remembering this day cuz a lot of people made me feel so good this day. My facebook wall was full of nice comments and for me that's very special. Someone who takes part of his/her time to write something for me, that is just so special. Anyways! Also my mom made a party for me, well it wasn't really a party but let's call it like that lol :) The missionaries from my ward came over and they brought really cute presents! I just love them! 
I'll post some of my favorite pictures! Well almost all of them were my favorite :)

Ok so I know I look kind of funny here, but I was so happy when Hermana Waite and Busch gave me toys as a present! Aww that was just so nice from them. I just can say that they are so awesome and as you can see I got a super mini-uno! Yay! lol :)

 Yeah, this is Hermana Waite and Hermana Busch, they are both so beautiful and nice! I love them! And Yep! They gave me the toys! How cute! :)
I love this picture! Look at my face! Well this present was from Elder Batschi and Elder Bañuelos, they gave me a neckless!
If you get this image closer, you'll see the neckless, it was a heart but can't be open. I really liked it!

Aaannnddd...there you have Elder Bañuelos and Elder Batschi! (Elder Bañuelos is hilarious!) We all like him a lot!

This journal was from Hermana Ramirez and Hermana Kisor! I love them too! They are so nice and Hermana Ramirez is so funny! aww I love her!

Here you have them. Hermana Kisor and Ramirez! Awesome people!! :)

This present is from Elder Torres and Elder Ely. I always say that Elder Torres is my brother because we have the same last name "torres". Ok i know, kind of confusing because I am chavez but remember that I have a long name: Karla Selene Torres Chavez. Anyways, they gave me a perfume and a body shower, I liked it but I laughed because I was like: Are you telling me I have to take a shower hahaha jk I loved it!

But for some reason I didn't take a picture of Elder Ely and Elder Torres and guess what? I just noticed that! that sucks!! Well they are so awesome too!! :)

Hermana Diaz (A member of my ward) gave me granola because she knows that I love it! and yeah i love Granola a LOT! :) By the way, I don't think I've ever said how amazing Hermana Irene Diaz is, she is so humble and she is always helping others, I just love her!

This is Hermana Vasquez and all of her family, especially Keny! He is the cutest! 
Such a good family! And Keny?......Sleeping lol :)

Another favorite picture with Elder Batschi and Elder Potter! haha I remember when I bearly met Elder Batschi and if he said something to tease me and I didn't like I would threaten him with a fork or my cellphone haha so weird but very funny!

isn't this cute?? I loved it. My mom said that the Sister Missionaries made it for me, I just never found out who of the missionaries.
Good bye everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother's day!

Isn't she gorgeous? Yep! And she is my mother! :) I just want to say how much I love her! She is a wonderful person and I don't know what I would do without her in my life! I love you mom!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Mauricio!

What's not to love about this picture? Ah! I love this little gorgeous boy! I am so blessed because he is my little brother and I love him so much! Today is his birthday and I am impressed that my little brother is growing up so fast! I just wanted to say that I truly love him, he is so special and I don't know why I would do without him because he is so unique and so adorable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAURICIO! I LOVE YOU!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wendy is just so great!

Hey everyone! Well as my post title says: "Wendy is just so great" because it's true. I am so thankful I have such an amazing friend by my side. I want to congratulate her for graduating from UEI. Now she is a Medical Assistant and I'm happy for her because I know this is the start of all the work she will be doing to make her dreams come true and I know she'll make it :) 

Congratulations Wendy! You know that I love you and my family loves you too! Keep up the great work! :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hello everyone!

Well, I just wanted to let you all know that I created a blog in Spanish and I like it because now I'll be able to share with my family too. It is going to be kind of hard because everything I am sharing in English, I will have to share it in spanish too but it's great because I want my family to understand all the things that I write in this blog. I love you all!

If you want to see my new blog, you can see it here.
Good night everyone!

Friday, April 22, 2011

My baby, my darling!

As I've said it many times, this is my little brother Mauricio. I love him! Right here he was only 4 years old and he is the cutest! My little baby darling is turning 7 years old this April 28th and I can't believe it! Time flies! 
Happy Early Birthday Mauricio!