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No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Your life can change in just a second...

Hello everyone! Well, it is not a surprise that I write on my blog once in a while. I wish I could write more fun and entertaining things but I guess I need more practice in this blogging world. Anyways. 
I just wanted to share to the world how I'm feeling right now. I think that I mentioned before that I was working in an awesome place called Road Runner Auto Parts. I was a delivery driver and it was amazing and super fun! But now I don't work there anymore because for certain reasons I don't have my car anymore and with no car I can't work there anymore and it really sucks because I miss my job so much! I never thought I would miss a job like I miss my job right now. It was really nice to wake up every morning knowing that I was gonna go to work but now it is weird and kinda painful that I wake up and I realize that I don't work there anymore, I wish I could go back and change that action I did that made me lose my car but that's impossible and we make mistakes so we can learn even when your mistakes will make you lose important and necessary things in life but I know that everything happens for a reason and well I have to continue!

A picture I took when I was working there :) Everyone is just awesome there, especially my bosses Eddie and Robert! 

Well, changing the subject a little bit...I don't know why but lately I've been listening to Pepe Aguilar a lot. I don't know his songs are just so romantic. He sings mexican music of course but I really like his style. Here's one song that I really like of him.

This song is just so romantic :) I totally love it! 

Anyways...see you later!