Welcome to my world!

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Tu recuerdo!

Cuantas veces he buscado palabras
Que puedan expresar mi sentir
Que me ayuden a decir
Todo lo que pienso de ti.

No hay un momento de mi día
En que yo deje de pensar en ti
En que no suspire por tu amor
En que no quiera tenerte junto a mí.

Dios sabe más que nadie
Todo lo que he pasado
Todo lo que he sufrido
Por amarte, mi amor.

No pensar en ti, intento
Y a veces tengo éxito
Pero siempre llega el momento
En que a mi mente viene tu recuerdo.

Muchas veces he dudado
Muchas veces he llorado
Preguntándome si algún día
Podre sacarte de mi vida.

Mi esperanza en esta vida
Es poder encontrar algún día
Una persona que me haga sentir
Lo mismo que yo sentí por ti.

Miro tus fotos cada día
Aunque las debería romper
Pero es la única manera en que puedo verte
Y por un momento disfrutar tu ser.

Tú ni siquiera te imaginas
La batalla que he peleado
Para que un día desaparezca
Tú sombra de mi lado.

Muy presente tengo
Que no estas a mi lado
Pero tu recuerdo me sigue
Siempre a todos lados.

Recuerdo tus ojos verdes
Y también tu hermosa piel
Recuerdo tus labios dulces
Que me hacen enloquecer.

No sé cuándo, mi amor
Te dejare de amar
No sé cuándo esta ilusión
Para siempre se morirá.

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chávez

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sólo pienso en ti, mi amor

Las noches y los días pasan 
Y yo solo pienso en ti, mi amor
En lo mucho que te extraño
En que no puedo sacarte del corazón.

Pierdo el tiempo al amarte
Pues se que no eres para mi
Y me duele darme cuenta 
Que me debo olvidar de ti.

Si las cosas fueran diferentes
Yo sería muy feliz
Daría lo que fuera
Por estar junto a ti.

La debilidad aveces llega
Y solo te quiero llamar
Decirte lo que siento
Decirte que ya no puedo más.

Muchas veces me pregunto
Si algún día volveré amar
Si encontraré otra vez a alguien
que me haga suspirar.

Otras personas llegan
Interesados en mi amor
Pero yo se muy bien
Qué tu tienes mi atención.

Tu inspiras mis versos 
Mis poemas son para ti
Y si las cosas fueran diferentes 
Te entregaría mi existir.

Todo lo que siento
Sólo lo entiende Dios
El solo entiende mi pena
Y todo lo que he sufrido yo.

Mi pena es un dolor grande
Que llevo en el corazón 
Qué escondo con una sonrisa
Pero solo pienso en ti, mi amor.

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chávez

Friday, August 28, 2015

My dear lipstick!

My dear great lipstick
You, one of my loves
I’m grateful for your existence
And for all that we both enjoy.

You literally give to my life
The color it needs
My life seems brighter
When I put you on my lips.

Magenta is the color
That I prefer you to be
Because it describes how I feel
And all that I can be.

Happiness I feel
When I open my make-up bag
Just to remember always
That I need you in my life.

It’s an exciting feeling
When I see you every morning
I know that once you are on my lips
It will be a day full of bliss.

Thank you for being there
For being part of my day
And for helping me feel
That being a woman is simply the best.

Author: Karla Selene Torres Chavez 

This is the face you make when you try to show off your awesome new lipstick! 

No retrocederé

Cuantas veces he pasado
Llorando por tu amor
Porque sentí que te tenía
Pero ahora todo termino.

Me levanto en las mañanas
Pensando en ti nada más
Quisiera sacarte de mi alma
Y no pensar en ti jamás.

Miro al cielo y pregunto
Cuando será finalmente el día
En que de mi alma te borre
Y deje de quererte.

Ya no puedo con esta pena
Es demasiado para mi
Este corazón en necio
Y no te quiere dejar ir.

Mis suspiros te dedico
Todo el día, a ti mi amor
No hay un minuto si quiera
En que te aparte de mi corazón.

Lo peor de todo esto
Es que tú ni siquiera sabes
Que lloro por ti cada noche
Y que quisiera abrazarte.

Te quiero con toda el alma
Pero no retrocederé
Porque aunque eres lo que quiero
No mereces mi querer.

Sé que un día te olvidare
Y de mi corazón te alejare
Y solo serás un recuerdo
Que en mi mente enterrare.

El mal no te deseo
Pues realmente te quise
Y cuando el amor es verdadero
siempre desea lo que es bueno.

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chávez  

Thursday, August 27, 2015

My mission!

I’m grateful for the reminders Facebook sends every day from past events in your life. It is nice sometimes to look back and see all the things that you’ve done and also how much you’ve changed. This past month I’ve been receiving reminders of how 3 years ago I was preparing for one of the best experiences of my life. Yes, I’m talking about my wonderful mission in California, Santa Rosa. I don’t think I will ever find the right words to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know everyone says this but, from the bottom of my heart I can say that my mission changed my life forever. I think of my life so much and I know that it would be so different if I didn’t have the gospel and also If I wouldn’t have served a mission.

A mission is a learning experience. Every day you learn so much. If I could list all the things that I learned during my mission, I could probably write a book about it. Perhaps one day I will but, right now I will only focus on some of those things that I learned.

My mission helped me to have a stronger testimony. Before my mission, I thought I had a testimony and I did but, now that I can see the difference, I know it wasn’t as strong as I thought it was. I remember that my first transfer in the mission I had the hardest time because I didn’t know the scriptures very well. Every door I knocked, it seemed that people were attacking my beliefs. I’m not going to lie, that was really hard on me. There was a day that I was very confused and I am ashamed to say that at some point I doubted if I was preaching the truth. Thankfully, I did something about it and I was in the best place to do it. I immersed myself in the word of God, I started reading the book of Mormon and the Bible like you have no idea, my prayers started being super meaningful and I asked God to please help me confirm that I was in the truth and if I was where I was supposed to be. The answer didn’t come immediately but, it came and what I wonderful feeling that was! A testimony is like a flower, if you don’t take care of it, it will wither. I can testify now with all that I have in me that I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, that the Book of Mormon is really another testament of Jesus Christ and that God has a plan for all of us and it’s called “The plan of happiness” so don’t forget to be happy because although we are here to be tested, we are also here to be happy. I know these things with all of my heart and knowing these truths have brought so much peace and happiness to my life.

My mission helped me to be happy. Before my mission my happiness was okay. Sadly, my high school years weren’t the best. I was still nice to people but, for the most part I was always sad. When I got out of high school, I started to feel a little better but, still there were times that I felt so depressed. The worst thing was that I really didn’t know what to do about it. Perhaps I knew, I just didn’t know exactly how to apply it to my life. In my mission I got to know the real person that I was. I discovered that I was actually not a sad person but, that I was a happy and energetic woman. My mission taught me that happiness is a decision that you make every day. “If you want to be happy then be” (Leo Tolstoy). Of course, there will always be times when things get difficult and sometimes you will feel sad and you will need to cry and it's okay, sometimes you just need those moments but, just don't dwell on them. We can always do something about our difficult times. I love this quote from Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin: “Every life has peaks and shadows and times when it seems that the birds don’t sing and bells don’t ring. Yet, in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser and happier as a result.” I love being happy and now I know what I need to do to be happy. All the things that I did during my mission made me very happy. Because all I did was to serve my brothers and sisters around me. Every day I had goals and a purpose and I never really focused on myself but, when you do these kind of things although you aren't focusing on yourself, they help you become a quality person, a better child of God . And even when things were hard in my mission, I knew that I just needed to put my whole trust in my Heavenly Father, do my very best and just keep on going with a smile on my face and a positive and a happy attitude.

My mission also taught me to not worry about things I can’t control. There are a lot in our lives that we can control but, there are certain things that it doesn’t matter what we think, say or do, we just don’t have control of them so then don't worry about that. Think about it. There is nothing you can do. Well, actually there is something you can do; don’t worry about it and just do your best. Believe me, it will help you be more happy. 

I also learned that it doesn’t matter what people do, how they look like or what they say, you can always choose to be kind and nice to them. How you treat a person says a lot about who you are inside. It doesn’t matter the circumstances, you have the power to choose how you want to treat a person, how you want to react towards a certain situation. You have the choice to be who you want to be. It’s up to you. Some people might say: Well, that’s just how I am but, that isn’t true. We all choose how we want to be. Every day we can wake up in the morning and say a prayer to ask Heavenly Father to help us be kind, nice, helpful and just true disciples of Jesus Christ who radiate pure love. What a wonderful feeling is to know that we can choose who we want to be. I don’t think we realize how much power we have. We have so much power. We just need to choose to use it wisely.

Last, but not least, my mission taught me to be bold. I have never had a problem with socializing with people so contacting in my mission wasn't really a problem for me. I love people, they give me energy and make me feel happy. However, I had another problem, I was afraid to extend commitments to them. I didn't want to pressure them so I just wouldn't be as bold as I should have been until one day I finally understood that commitments help people progress towards the gospel. I'm sure I knew that, I just didn't understand it. One day I just decided that I needed to be bold, still loving and kind but, bold otherwise; my awesome investigators were never going to progress. I feel that after I started practicing this on my mission, things changed and I started seeing great results. This quality that I gained during my mission has helped so much in my life. Because now I am more willing to take risks in life. If you want something and it doesn't come to you then you have to go for it. If you have a question; ask. If you feel like saying something; say it. Don't be afraid because fear will only take away the things that you most want in life. Heavenly Father wants us to show our faith. How do we do that? We need to act. Do your part. Even if the result isn't what you wanted, you'll feel happy that you did you part any way and one day you'll be able to look at God and say: Father, thou know that I did everything I could. It didn't work out but, I did my part. Believe me, even when things don't go the way you wanted them to go, it is a wonderful feeling to know that you did everything possible to fulfill your dream.  

There are many more things that I learned on my mission that one day I will be able to share but, for now this is enough. All I can say is that I love my mission with all of my heart. Once I heard that your mission is the M.T.C. of your life. It is so true. My mission had definitely helped me with my decisions in life. And I mean, I’m obviously not perfect. Life is the greatest teacher, it will always keep teaching you something new. The purpose of this life is to prepare to become like our Heavenly Father. There will always be difficult times, things we don’t fully understand but, there will always be an amazing purpose behind these difficult times. We just need to always remember that we are never alone. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much. I feel that having this knowledge and actually feeling it can help us overcome everything in life. 


Friday, August 21, 2015

Good-bye for now

I don’t want to miss you
I want you out
I don’t want to think
That you are part of my life.

I loved you a lot
But that it’s over
And I don’t want to blame you
But this is over.

My happiness I want back
My confidence as well
And for that I need you
To please go away.

Don’t think that I hate you
Because I really don’t
But I need to move on
And for now let you go.

Thousands of memories
I have about you
That I need to forget
So I can continue my way.

I wish you happiness
I wish you the best
I will pray for you always
So you can find great success.

Important you were for me
But that’s now in the past
All I really want now
Is to set all of this aside.

Good bye for now
The future awaits for me
Although deep inside I hope
You could come back to me.

Author: Karla Selene Torres Chavez

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Te dejo ir

Yo sé que fue mi culpa
Por quererte como nunca
Por ilusionarme con locura
Por amarte sin medida.

Quería tomar cada riesgo
Solo quería que me amaras
Que realidad se hiciera mi sueño
Y que para siempre me besaras.

Olvidar tus encantadores besos
Será algo difícil de hacer
Pues fue lo más hermoso
Que yo pude vivir una vez.

El amor no se termino
Ni tampoco mi paciencia
Pero tenía que dejarte
Porque no me valoraste.

Olvidarte será un martirio
Pero sé que lo lograre
Y aunque ahora tengo el corazón roto
Sé que yo te olvidaré.

A pesar de muchas cosas
No me arrepiento de nada
Pues al menos por un tiempo
Me diste la felicidad que yo buscaba.

Te extrañe desde el primer día
Pero eso ya no te lo diré
Pues eso solo para ti significa
Tu ego poder crecer.

Te dejo ir para siempre
De tu vida me he salido
Y aunque te quiero con el alma
Ya no podía con esta herida.

Gracias por esos momentos
De amor que juntos vivimos
Por el sentimiento que en mi creaste
Dándome ese hermoso beso.

Finalmente es tiempo
De seguir hacia adelante
De concentrarme en otra cosa
Que me haga olvidarte.

Sé que un día te darás cuenta
Que verdadero amor hay poco
Y que no valorarme fue una equivocación
Y que cometiste un grande error.

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chávez

Te extraño como nunca

Me gustaría poder negar
Que te extraño como nunca
Que me muero de ganas
De abrazarte con ternura.

Mi querido gran amor
Dime, ¿Dónde estás?
Si supieras que yo a diario
Pienso en ti nada más.

La vida se ha hecho difícil
Pues no te tengo junto a mí
Y aunque intento ser fuerte
Mi corazón llora por ti.

Tus hermosos ojos verdes
Me muero de ganas de ver
Acariciar tu piel blanca
Que me hace enloquecer

Tus labios descoloridos
Me gustaría volver a besar
Y junto a mi cara sentir
Tú rasposa barba varonil.

Abrazarte sin medida
Es lo que yo puedo desear
Y que cures está herida
Que me ha hecho sollozar.

Mi deseo amor mío
Es que regreses junto a mí
No importa ya el pasado
Solo quiero hacerte feliz.

Daria mi vida entera
Daría lo que me pidieran
Por acariciarte con un beso
Y decirte cuanto te quiero.

Un volcán vive en mi pecho
Lleno de muchas emociones
Amor mío, por favor regresa
Y devuélveme mis ilusiones

Ven y cura mi corazón
Pues se encuentra muy herido
Pensando solamente
En que yo te amare por siempre.

Autor: Karla Selene Torres Chávez 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My heart is full of gratitude

There are no words to describe what’s in my heart right now but, I will do my best.

My heart is full of gratitude towards my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ for giving me the opportunity to have the gospel in my life. I’ve been through so many things in life, there are so many decisions that I need to make every day and I don’t know what I would do without the guidance that the gospel offers me. It is a blessing to know that I’m never alone, that I have a loving Heavenly Father who loves me with a perfect and infinite love. I feel like there are many people in the world that don’t know that or if we know it, when we face difficulties, we tend to forget that important knowledge. I’m thankful so thankful that I can rely in my Heavenly Father. I’m thankful to know that I can trust Him with all of my heart because His love for me is perfect and He will always be there.

The commandments are a blessing in my life. They are never a burden. Although I’m not perfect, I’m grateful I have the commandments and I have the opportunity to obey them not only because God blesses me when I obey but because it is a way to show my Father in Heaven that I love Him too.

I’m grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ, my perfect exemplar, the person that I want to be like. I’m thankful to know that there is someone I can follow and that loves me and understand me perfectly. Sometimes we feel like people don’t really understand how we feel and that can true a lot of the times but, how comforting is to know that there is someone who perfectly understands our grief and our pain. I love my Savior Jesus Christ, I’m grateful that someone taught me about Him when I was a little girl. I’m grateful that little by little my love for Him has increased more and more because loving Him makes me a better person and it makes me happy as well.

I’m grateful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know it is the Lord’s church on the Earth, I know it with all of my heart. What a wonderful feeling is to know that! And, what a joy it has brought into my life! I am a better and a happier person because of that knowledge. How do I know that? Well, I have prayed to ask God specifically to know if this is the right path, it this is the truth and every time I have asked with a sincere heart, He has answered my prayer and has let me know through the Holy Ghost that I am in the true church and that He wants me to stay forever. I know it and I could never deny that the church is true and I’m so grateful that I know it.

I’m grateful that we have a prophet on the Earth and special witnesses of Jesus Christ who testify of Him. The words of the prophet and apostles bless my life and guide me through everything especially through difficult times. Their words help me remember that I’m not alone and that there is a divine potential within me, that I am important because I am a daughter of God. I have a purpose and because of that life is more beautiful and everything makes sense. What a blessing is to know that because I could be living in this world without knowing this but, God has blessed me with this knowledge and I will forever be grateful for that. I love God, I love my Savior Jesus Christ, I love people and I love my life. I’m grateful that God gave me the opportunity to achieve my potential, sometimes I fall short and I know I have many weaknesses but, here I am, doing my best and relying on the only one who can truly help me and that is my Heavenly Father.

If you actually took the time to read my testimony and especially the things that I’m grateful for. I just want to tell you something. Never forget that your Heavenly Father loves you, if you can always remember that, you will be able to make the right decisions and obey His commandments and I promise you with all that I have in me that doing that will bring you hope, light and true happiness. These are the things that I’m grateful for and the things I know are true that I wanted to share with the world.