Welcome to my world!

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Para siempre junto a ti.

Mirando hacia el cielo
Me encontraba junto a ti
Me abrazabas como nunca
Y mi corazón palpitaba por ti

Me mirabas a los ojos
Describiéndome con ternura
Diciéndome cosas bonitas
De esas que se disfrutan

Tus abrazos provocaban
Que no quisiera irme nunca
Quería quedarme para siempre
Y disfrutar de tu hermosura

Miraba tus ojos verdes
Y quería perderme en ellos
Deseaba que para siempre
Hicieras realidad mis sueños.

El atardecer llego
Y me tomaste de la mano
Y yo con el alma deseaba
Que esto nunca se terminara.

Ahora que te has ido
Solo siento un gran vacío
Quisiera que regresaras
Y que para siempre me abrazaras.

Regresa amor mío
Vivamos esta alegría
Mis ojos anhelan verte
Y que te quedes para siempre. 

Autor; Karla Selene Torres Chávez 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Be happy and smile!

I woke up happy this morning
Being grateful for another day
Thanking God for his love
And for His infinite grace.

I am really happy today
And I don’t know exactly why
There isn’t a specific reason
Just that I know this is a wonderful life.

Hope you know you have a purpose
Hope you feel that you are loved
Hope you recognize always
The blessings that you receive from above.

When sadness comes to your life
Make sure it doesn’t stay too long
It will deprive you from the happiness
That God prepared for you to enjoy.

Life has many faces
Some are good and some are bad
But your happiness depends
On how you look at life.

Be happy you wonderful person
Life doesn’t last too long
And although eternity awaits
You will regret not enjoying your life on earth.

No matter what happens
Be happy and smile
Because you will forever be grateful
That you did it during this time.

Author: Karla Selene Torres Chavez