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No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Good bye 2010!

As I said in some of the blogs I posted before, I can't believe that 2010 is almost over. Time flies people, it really does! I guess that's why I always hear that we should enjoy every minute of our lives, I don't do a really good job on that, but I keep on trying. Anyways, I don't wanna talk about sad things, otherwise; this post is to mention all the good things that happened to me this year. I am very thankful with my Heavenly Father and ofcourse with Jesus Christ as well :) God has blessed me so much and in many ways! Like I said, sometimes I just don't value all the good things that I have around me, but when I think about it, I realize that I have so much in my life and I feel so greatful because of that. Great things happened in 2010 and is not over yet, we have 5 days left. Wow! I am excited for a new year :) Ok well, I am gonna start with the wonderful things that happened on 2010.

  1. I realized that I am capable to forgive others. Really, I always told myself that I could forgive everyone, until something huge happened and I felt that forgiving this person was so hard, but with time I forgave this person with a sincere heart, and how thankful I am for that because If we forgive others, Heavenly Father will forgive us as well :)
  2. My mother stopped smoking. Yep, after many years of trying and trying, she finally made it and I wanna thank officially to Elder Potter and Napa. God used them as instruments to help my mother and inspire her to be stronger than a cigarrett.
  3. I had 3 different jobs this year haha. I was first a seller in a car dealer (I didn't like it at all, sellings aren't for me but I learned some things about cars ;) ) Second one, I was a driver for an Auto Parts shop and it was fun, I learned more about cars haha, and the one that I have right now, I take care of old people, nothing to do with cars but I need to practice A LOT my pacience which I think it's great.
  4. I finally confessed my love to someone for the first time in my life and I felt good, even when this person didn't feel the same for me but it's all right. I still think he is amazing and like we always say: "Everything happens for a reason". :)
  5. I received my calling to be a Seminary Teacher, I don't know how long I am gonna stay there, but I am so thankful for all the things I learned and I learn as a teacher :)
  6. I had my first date in my life as well with a good guy and cute at the same time ;) haha nothing huge happened, we are only friends but I discovered how great is to be on a date with someone that is super nice and fun.
  7. I started recognizing that I have many blessing in my life and realized how much I need to start being thankful because I have them instead of complaining for the things that I dont' have.
  8. I got to hear some great music haha like She & Him (This group is great) :)

And well, there's some others too ;) Belle and Sebastian is one of my favorites too. I think music is great, I feel like I will always be faithful to Music because it is so great, it helps me in many ways in life, when I'm sad, when I'm in love, when I'm mad and well so many ways, plus Music belongs to Heaven, I mean good music ;)

So, as I was saying about 2010. It was a great year and I am thankful that God has let me live in it and have experiences in my life that has made me learn things that I need to know in life.

Karla Chavez!

Hasta la vista, baby! ;)

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