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No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Super Power

I love writing and I’m grateful I have the opportunity to write in this blog. Lately, I’ve been thinking about agency, the power God has given us to choose. I’ve been thinking on how it is such a blessing in our lives. We know we can choose, nobody is going to force us to do something we don’t want to do and this just makes me think: Do we even realize how much power we have just because we have the freedom to choose on our own? When I was a little girl, I always wished I could have a really cool super power; agency it’s kind of like a super power because we can choose so many great things in our lives. God has given us this opportunity and this privilege.

 I especially think of this super power when I face difficult times in my life. Life is beautiful but, it is also very hard. There will always be opposition in all things and if you are familiar with “The Plan of Salvation” then you know that difficult times are part of the plan God has for us. Our Heavenly Father knows that it is only through these experiences that we can learn, grow and become the person He wants us to be. But sometimes when we are facing these difficult times, we forget that God is shaping us to become someone better. We feel like we can’t take anymore and we consider the option of giving up. I’m thankful for the knowledge I have of the gospel of Jesus Christ because if it wasn’t for this knowledge, I would have given up long time ago. This gospel gives me the strength to keep going in life and not only to just keep going but it helps me have a happy and positive attitude while I keep on trying. This happy and positive attitude doesn’t come automatically, this is when we have to exercise our super power. No matter what our circumstances are, we can always choose to elevate our thoughts and walk towards the light. This isn’t easy but, it is possible if we put our trust in our Savior Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father wants us to be happy, Satan doesn’t. When we choose to stay sad and miserable, we give Satan power over us and he can make us be something we are not. We are so much better than that. When we choose to elevate our thoughts and walk away from darkness, we can accomplish things we never thought before and we are doing our part by becoming the person Heavenly Father wants to be. And there is so much we can do with our super power of agency. We can choose to be kind always especially to people who perhaps aren’t so kind to us, we can choose to make a difference. We can choose to look at the bright side when we are experiencing a negative situation. We can choose to have faith when our world seems to be surrounded by darkness.

We will for sure have our weak moments. These moments are necessary as well. Sometimes we just need a moment to put our thoughts together, a moment to be sad and cry and that’s okay but, eventually we need get going again because life awaits for us and there is so many wonderful things out there just for us. Don’t let sadness and negative thoughts stop you from all the good you can do in this world. The world has enough negativity, enough people who give up. The world has simply enough of everything that is bad and depressing. Don’t become like the world. You are a child of God and you can make a difference. Sometimes we just forget our wonderful worth and the things we are capable of doing. Never forget how amazing you are. You have a wonderful purpose. I know with God’s help we can use our agency to make this world a better place and become like our Heavenly Father. Now, how are you going to use your super power? It is up to you because you can choose. It is God’s gift to you and me. Let’s use it wisely. 

- Karla Selene Torres Chavez

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