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No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

My mission!

I’m grateful for the reminders Facebook sends every day from past events in your life. It is nice sometimes to look back and see all the things that you’ve done and also how much you’ve changed. This past month I’ve been receiving reminders of how 3 years ago I was preparing for one of the best experiences of my life. Yes, I’m talking about my wonderful mission in California, Santa Rosa. I don’t think I will ever find the right words to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know everyone says this but, from the bottom of my heart I can say that my mission changed my life forever. I think of my life so much and I know that it would be so different if I didn’t have the gospel and also If I wouldn’t have served a mission.

A mission is a learning experience. Every day you learn so much. If I could list all the things that I learned during my mission, I could probably write a book about it. Perhaps one day I will but, right now I will only focus on some of those things that I learned.

My mission helped me to have a stronger testimony. Before my mission, I thought I had a testimony and I did but, now that I can see the difference, I know it wasn’t as strong as I thought it was. I remember that my first transfer in the mission I had the hardest time because I didn’t know the scriptures very well. Every door I knocked, it seemed that people were attacking my beliefs. I’m not going to lie, that was really hard on me. There was a day that I was very confused and I am ashamed to say that at some point I doubted if I was preaching the truth. Thankfully, I did something about it and I was in the best place to do it. I immersed myself in the word of God, I started reading the book of Mormon and the Bible like you have no idea, my prayers started being super meaningful and I asked God to please help me confirm that I was in the truth and if I was where I was supposed to be. The answer didn’t come immediately but, it came and what I wonderful feeling that was! A testimony is like a flower, if you don’t take care of it, it will wither. I can testify now with all that I have in me that I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, that the Book of Mormon is really another testament of Jesus Christ and that God has a plan for all of us and it’s called “The plan of happiness” so don’t forget to be happy because although we are here to be tested, we are also here to be happy. I know these things with all of my heart and knowing these truths have brought so much peace and happiness to my life.

My mission helped me to be happy. Before my mission my happiness was okay. Sadly, my high school years weren’t the best. I was still nice to people but, for the most part I was always sad. When I got out of high school, I started to feel a little better but, still there were times that I felt so depressed. The worst thing was that I really didn’t know what to do about it. Perhaps I knew, I just didn’t know exactly how to apply it to my life. In my mission I got to know the real person that I was. I discovered that I was actually not a sad person but, that I was a happy and energetic woman. My mission taught me that happiness is a decision that you make every day. “If you want to be happy then be” (Leo Tolstoy). Of course, there will always be times when things get difficult and sometimes you will feel sad and you will need to cry and it's okay, sometimes you just need those moments but, just don't dwell on them. We can always do something about our difficult times. I love this quote from Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin: “Every life has peaks and shadows and times when it seems that the birds don’t sing and bells don’t ring. Yet, in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser and happier as a result.” I love being happy and now I know what I need to do to be happy. All the things that I did during my mission made me very happy. Because all I did was to serve my brothers and sisters around me. Every day I had goals and a purpose and I never really focused on myself but, when you do these kind of things although you aren't focusing on yourself, they help you become a quality person, a better child of God . And even when things were hard in my mission, I knew that I just needed to put my whole trust in my Heavenly Father, do my very best and just keep on going with a smile on my face and a positive and a happy attitude.

My mission also taught me to not worry about things I can’t control. There are a lot in our lives that we can control but, there are certain things that it doesn’t matter what we think, say or do, we just don’t have control of them so then don't worry about that. Think about it. There is nothing you can do. Well, actually there is something you can do; don’t worry about it and just do your best. Believe me, it will help you be more happy. 

I also learned that it doesn’t matter what people do, how they look like or what they say, you can always choose to be kind and nice to them. How you treat a person says a lot about who you are inside. It doesn’t matter the circumstances, you have the power to choose how you want to treat a person, how you want to react towards a certain situation. You have the choice to be who you want to be. It’s up to you. Some people might say: Well, that’s just how I am but, that isn’t true. We all choose how we want to be. Every day we can wake up in the morning and say a prayer to ask Heavenly Father to help us be kind, nice, helpful and just true disciples of Jesus Christ who radiate pure love. What a wonderful feeling is to know that we can choose who we want to be. I don’t think we realize how much power we have. We have so much power. We just need to choose to use it wisely.

Last, but not least, my mission taught me to be bold. I have never had a problem with socializing with people so contacting in my mission wasn't really a problem for me. I love people, they give me energy and make me feel happy. However, I had another problem, I was afraid to extend commitments to them. I didn't want to pressure them so I just wouldn't be as bold as I should have been until one day I finally understood that commitments help people progress towards the gospel. I'm sure I knew that, I just didn't understand it. One day I just decided that I needed to be bold, still loving and kind but, bold otherwise; my awesome investigators were never going to progress. I feel that after I started practicing this on my mission, things changed and I started seeing great results. This quality that I gained during my mission has helped so much in my life. Because now I am more willing to take risks in life. If you want something and it doesn't come to you then you have to go for it. If you have a question; ask. If you feel like saying something; say it. Don't be afraid because fear will only take away the things that you most want in life. Heavenly Father wants us to show our faith. How do we do that? We need to act. Do your part. Even if the result isn't what you wanted, you'll feel happy that you did you part any way and one day you'll be able to look at God and say: Father, thou know that I did everything I could. It didn't work out but, I did my part. Believe me, even when things don't go the way you wanted them to go, it is a wonderful feeling to know that you did everything possible to fulfill your dream.  

There are many more things that I learned on my mission that one day I will be able to share but, for now this is enough. All I can say is that I love my mission with all of my heart. Once I heard that your mission is the M.T.C. of your life. It is so true. My mission had definitely helped me with my decisions in life. And I mean, I’m obviously not perfect. Life is the greatest teacher, it will always keep teaching you something new. The purpose of this life is to prepare to become like our Heavenly Father. There will always be difficult times, things we don’t fully understand but, there will always be an amazing purpose behind these difficult times. We just need to always remember that we are never alone. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much. I feel that having this knowledge and actually feeling it can help us overcome everything in life. 


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